
List of services provided by the bank;
A business plan
Political and economic stability: Malta is characterized by a stable political system and a growing economy.
Confirmation of premises received for registered office in Slovakia (virtual office allowed)
Can a Chinese citizen open a company in Hungary?Hungary, due to its strategic location in the centre of Europe, attractive tax rates and supportive business environment, has become a popular destination for foreign investment. Chinese citizens, as well as citizens of other countries, can take advantage of these advantages and register a company in Hungary.
1. Preliminary planning and market research
Structure of groups
Upon successful completion of the inspection and approval of the application, you will be required to pay the appropriate government and licence fees as determined by the regulatory authority. These fees may vary depending on the jurisdiction and the type of licence requested. It is important to recognise that these fees can be substantial and should be built into the project budget at the planning stage.
FCIS is responsible for verifying compliance with the legislation and issuing permits.
Cost: 9,900 EUR